Renaissance Law College offers placement to the students subject to fulfillment of certain defined criteria. The whole object is to ensure all round development of the students through the ancillary activities and to provide an opportunity to them to excel in their career as law professionals.
All the students who aspire to take up a Corporate job will have to abide and fulfill the following criteria-
Attendance – 80% and above.
Academic Excellence- Overall academic performance in all the internal exams as well as University Exam performance (i.e. a candidate securing First Division) will be evaluated as the basis for the judgment of this criteria.
Co-curricular Activities – The student has to actively participate and come up with a good performance in all such co-curricular activities such as Moot Court, Trial, Assignment, Projects, Presentations, Viva etc.
Extra-curricular Activities – The students have to actively participate in other ancillary activities such as sports, cultural/social activities organized by Renaissance Law College (Law Fest, Indradhanush, Nidaan etc.)